Be not deceived; evil communications
corrupt good manners. 1Corinthians 15v33
You need people in your life that catapult you to your
destiny. Some friends are vision blockers and destiny destroyers….You cannot
effectively run the race with a load of vision blocking and destiny
destroying friends
The major thing to understand about this is
that there is a difference between friendship and association. You may have
many associates who are not really your friends yet you will still call them
friends for lack of a better sounding term. Friendship is more than a close
acquaintance, more than association; it is a covenant; that is why a few people
were called friends by God. Abraham had that name (James 2v23); David was
called a man after God’s heart (Acts 13v22). He failed to be called friend. God
spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend, but was never
called the friend of God. No one in the entire Old Testament (Old covenant,
dispensation of the law) was God’s friend, but in the New Testament (New
covenant, dispensation of Grace), Jesus says we are His friends if we obey His
commandment which is love, and He says ”henceforth I have called you friends (John
15v14-15).“ The prerequisite of being God’s friend is obeying the
commandment, which is love.
If God is very
cautious as to whom He calls friends, it is also expedient for us to understand
who our friends are. The Bible warns in Proverbs 12v26 saying,”The righteous should choose his friends
carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray“ (NKJV)

One major
characteristic of modern friends is the parasitic attitude. Many people who
want to be your friends do not want to contribute anything to your life but
like parasites, they suck life from you: your money, your knowledge, your help,
all for nothing in return. Just look at the friendship that the snake imposed
on the woman. The only party that was going to benefit from the friendship was
the snake, and he did, he deceived the woman and eventually the man and ended
up owning the keys that Jesus had to go and recover thousands of years later.
Fake friends only want you for what you can offer. Look at the scenario of
Naomi, Ruth and Orpah. When Orpah realised that Naomi was no longer able to
bear a child for her to marry, she returned to her land, to her people. She had
a parasitic attitude. She was only willing to be Naomi’s friend as long as she
could suck a husband from her. When she realised that there was nothing left to
suck, she abandoned her. Think of Job, how that he was left with three friends
when he became poor. Look at the prodigal son, how that his friends deserted
him after sucking all his wealth. Folks, Solomon knew what he was talking about
when he said that the righteous man should choose his friends carefully.
You need friends
that add value to your life, and to whose life you add value, at no one’s
expense. Be very selfless when it comes to becoming friends. You need people in
your life that catapult you to your destiny. Some friends are vision blockers
and destiny destroyers. You need people in your life that give light to your
path towards your divine destiny, people who are willing to die for you to
achieve your vision. Jesus says, ”Greater
love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John
15v13)“ You need friends in your life who, when you share your vision with
them they can encourage you and help you build capacity and develop you until
you are able and ready to see that vision to fruition.
Look at the two
boys in the Bible that I call genuine friends. These are David and Jonathan.
Jonathan would work flat out to protect David from being killed by Saul. The
Bible even says that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul
of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Jonathan spied on his
own father and revealed his plans of killing David, Jonathan spake good of
David unto Saul his father (1Samuel 19:4), he saved David from the anger of his
father by urging him to hide in a cave and sending
signals to notify him of his father’s anger. Talk about true friendship, compromising your relationship with your father for the sake of your friend. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only begotten son Isaac, for God’s sake, and he was called the friend of God.
signals to notify him of his father’s anger. Talk about true friendship, compromising your relationship with your father for the sake of your friend. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only begotten son Isaac, for God’s sake, and he was called the friend of God.
It was just
unfortunate that Jonathan stayed with his evil father and he died during a war
together with him and his brothers. Real friendship is based on love and is not
self-seeking. Some connections that you have can hamper your progress in life.
There comes a time in life where it becomes necessary to let go of some people
that you call your friends. You cannot effectively run a race if you are
carrying heavy things. This is the reason why the Bible urges us to ”lay
aside every weight (Hebrews 12v1)“ You cannot effectively run the race
with a load of vision blocking and destiny destroying friends. You cannot
afford to carry with you skeptical friends who are always discouraging you and
diverting your attention from achieving your vision. It is sometimes
heartbreaking to delete some phone numbers from your phonebook, but if you are
serious about your vision, you can let go of some people and parasites. Did you
see how Jacob parted ways with Laban and immediately angels came to him? There
are some opportunities that are far from you because of some companions you have.
Have you ever asked yourself why God asked Abraham to separate himself from his
family and friends in Genesis 12? It was because God did not want Abraham to
carry the weight of worthless people. Jesus said in Luke 14v26 ”If any man come to me, and hate not
his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea,
and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.“ hating does not mean
without love but means removing priority. One simple way of getting rid of friends
is changing your character.
In our opening
scripture, the Bible tells us not to be deceived because bad company ruins good
habits. Do you know that there are some friends that if you spend the whole day
with them you will not pray, you will not open your Bible, you will not sing or
play Gospel music, you will not meditate, let alone merely talk about God. You
will feel very inferior if you do anything for God in the presence of those
friends. Now that is exactly what I am talking about when I say drop such
friends. Learn to depend on God and this will help you to consecrate yourself
from such friends because the usual cause of these friendships is that you have
something material or intrinsic that you get from them.

I encourage you to
take extra care when choosing friends, a friendship is a covenant that is
characterised by impartation especially of personality. That is why you can
derive someone’s character by observing the character of his friend.
Stay blessed and
remember, that
Jesus Is Lord!!! TLG